Many California schools are facing closures and early dismissals due to recent #CaliforniaWildfires Schools are also facing closures due to power outages. Families, students and staff are in our thoughts as they battle conditions throughout the state.
over 4 years ago, SSDA
Learn how the census impacts your community. Complete a fun interactive classroom activity by clicking this link: Brought to you by @uscensusbureau
over 4 years ago, SSDA
A week after @GavinNewsom signs law requiring later start times Chico USD begins to look into reconstructing school scheduling and transportation. @chicousd
over 4 years ago, SSDA
West Valley High School yearbook adviser and math teacher, Debbie Chrasta, appears on the Ellen DeGeneres show. Debbie who is also a #breastcancersurvivor wins $15,000 prize. Shasta County Office of Education
over 4 years ago, SSDA
Our Executive Director Tim Taylor, addresses 40 attendees of the first-ever Executive Assistant Academy at the Santa Cruz County Office of Education! We would love to continue these events for our members so let us know where we should head to next!
over 4 years ago, SSDA
Missed our Board Policies conference call this week? Not to worry - we will be hosting another this Tuesday (10/29) at 3:30 pm. Email to register.
over 4 years ago, SSDA
Ohio State Univeristy Researchers conclude that students in poorer school districts are learning just as much as those who earn higher test scores in wealthier districts. @ohiostate @TheDailyRecord #SSDAweeklyread #ssda
over 4 years ago, SSDA
Get your kids moving! Students who take part in physical activites rather than stick to sedentary learning perfom better on tests according to @ucl 🏃🏃🏃 @medicalexpress
over 4 years ago, SSDA
IREX The Fulbright Program Global Schools Program is now accepting applications to send K-12 and district administrators to Finland and Singapore for a 10 day program to learn the best educational practices for 21st century learning. Apply here >
over 4 years ago, SSDA
Administrators at Penn Valley Union Elementary School District are looking for guidence from the state after being affected by two rounds of power shutoffs. The district has surpassed it's two no-school days. #SSDA #CAssda #SSDAmember
over 4 years ago, SSDA
@GavinNewsom signs three laws that are aimed at lowering the suicide and bullying rates in schools. October is #NationalBullyingPreventionMonth and SSDA stands to bring awareness on issues that trouble our students and we encourage them to seek help.
over 4 years ago, SSDA
IT'S NATIONAL APPLE DAY! Ever wondered why apples have been associated with schools? Dating back to the 1700s apples were given to teacher as payment from parents for teaching their children! #NationalAppleDay
over 4 years ago, SSDA
SSDA would like to continue highlighting the importance of completing the 2020 census.Special education and food assistance are just a few federally funded programs that get data from @uscensusbureau .
over 4 years ago, SSDA
There is increased numbers of audio and ebook usage in K-12 classrooms. The 2019 Digital Content Report is brought to you by @officialascd and @overdrive_libs 🏫💻 Read the report here #CASSDA #SSDA #Ebook #Audiobook #Classroom #2019Tech
over 4 years ago, SSDA
Best Photographs of the Year! Amazing Take to time to stop for a few minutes and enjoy some incredible artists. #ArtsForAllKids #CAArtsAlliance
over 4 years ago, Tim Taylor
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) shares classroom activities for middle and high school educators to help students build financial literacy skills. Activities range from protecting your identity online, saving and investing and more! @CFPB
over 4 years ago, SSDA
The ride-share industry is not done yet! Read about how @HopSkipDrive is connecting with school transportation. 🚗🚙🚏 @EdDiveK12
over 4 years ago, SSDA
Read about how rural schools in three different states work to push higher education opportunities despite have little to no two or four-year options. #ShatsaCounty @ShastaCollege introduces their ACE program > @EdDiveK12
over 4 years ago, SSDA
Today is #WorldFoodDay! World Food Day is dedicated to combating global hunger as well as achieving #ZeroHunger with more healthy and diverse foods by 2030! Learn how you can promote healthy diets and make a difference. @FAO . 🍍🍎🌽🍛
over 4 years ago, SSDA
A group of Black educators will meet at the CABSE conference to discuss strategies for school districts and policymakers that will close the achievement gap for Black students in public schools. #BlackExcellence #SSSDA #CABSE #CABSE2019
over 4 years ago, SSDA